...a Key Player

$10,000 - $25,000 - Major underwriter for our ministry team

$2,500 - $10,000 - Major underwriter for program/ongoing work

...a faithful monthly donor

$60 per month - faithfully helps two married couples attend the ReUnion retreat.

$160 per month - faithfully helps six engaged couples attend our Countdown class/retreat.

...A sponsor for a couple to go through our Countdown course

$300 - Couple's cost

$150 - Amount one person pays

$75 - Partial scholarship

...an underwriter for the reunion retreat

$500 - $1,000 - Speaker's cost

$340 - Actual couple's cost

$95 - Amount a couple pays to attend

Give Today

Please join us in our mission by making a gift to Legacy Family Ministries.

Legacy Family Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, 

and all donations are tax deductible unless goods or services are received.

Donate online or mail donations to:

Legacy Family Ministries, 

PO Box 24095

Waco, TX 76702