2022 Sponsor Info
Diamond Marriage Investor | $15,000
Gold Marriage Investor | $10,000
Silver Marriage Investor | $5,000
Marriage Investor | $2,500
Continental Breakfast Sponsor | $4,000
Sponsor a continental breakfast for all
conference attendees on Saturday morning before the sessions begin. Your logo
will be printed and displayed on or near the breakfast spread.
Refreshments Sponsor | $3,000
Sponsor light refreshments for all conference
attendees and help create a warm atmosphere that fosters conversation and
fellowship. Your logo will be printed and displayed on or near the food spread.
Photo Booth | $2,500
Sponsor the opportunity for couples to create
lasting memories from their special time at the Legacy Conference. Your
sponsorship will cover two sets of prints for every attendee!
Block Sponsor | $500
Additionally, underwriters may choose to add
on a sponsored block of tickets to bring couples to the conference that may not
be able to afford to come otherwise. These tickets will be sponsored in your
name and your business will receive acknowledgment in marketing materials for
sponsoring this block for 15 couples to attend the conference.